Cabras, San Salvatore. Nuovi dati sulle strutture collegate all'ipogeo


  • Donatella Salvi
  • Gaetano Ranieri

Parole chiave:

indagini geofisiche, strutture interrate, ipogeo, cisterna, terme romane, geophysical surveys, underground structures, hypogeum, Roman baths


L'intervento condotto a San Salvatore di Cabras nel 2000 aveva lo scopo di verificare le condizioni di conservazione dell'ipogeo di San Salvatore e di superare le criticità relative sia agli impianti di ventilazione che al controllo delle acque piovane. E' stato possibile nella stessa occasione effettuare le indagini geofisiche dell'area e condurre una seppur limitata indagine archeologica.

In order to solve the problems related to both the arrangement of the ventilation systems and the control of rain water and ground water into the hypogeum of San Salvatore di Sinis, (Cabras, Sardinia, Italy), preparatory work was carried out in the extemal part of thè church. On the same occasion a characterization of both the whole building and the subsoil of the surrounding area was also conducted by means of geophysical methods and an even limited archaeological campaign. Geophysical prospection has shown the pathways of waters and the probable existence of other buried rooms and structures, partly found with archaeological excavations as the tank just outside thè church and another small compartment near the faqade of the church.




